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A deep dive into reusable packaging solutions

A deep dive into reusable packaging solutions

Here are 3 companies that are pioneers in creating successful reusable packaging models, whether it be at-home models or on-the-go solutions. Loop is an initiative from TerraCycle with a vision is to stop the use of linear, single-use packaging and create a circular economy by reusing containers and other receptacles, where consumers receive their trusted brands […]

Guide to buying plastic products

Guide to buying plastic products

What does the number on plastic mean? The Resin Identification Code or recycling number on plastic identifies the type of plastic. Below is more information on and examples of the most common plastics used in food packaging, available at the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) and Plastics Industry Association (PIA), along with safety information from […]

Types of Plastic Food Packaging and Safety

Types of Plastic Food Packaging and Safety

Types of Plastic Food Packaging and Safety: Close-Up Look Did you know? Plastic is a surprisingly versatile material with elemental origins. Elements from the periodic table, such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur, are the building blocks for a variety of plastics used to make many of the products we use every day. Some […]

Applying 2020 Pandemic Learnings to Polystyrene

Applying 2020 Pandemic Learnings to Polystyrene

Applying 2020 Pandemic Learnings to Polystyrene As we approach the new year and usher in 2021, all members of our global society are looking forward to leaving this pandemic’s devastating impact and the year behind us. As promising vaccine studies emerge, we’re drawn closer to the proverbial “light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel” of 2020. Yet there are aspects of […]

Dishes unusable in the microwave

Dishes unusable in the microwave

Dishes that cannot be used in the microwave (or dishes that are not safe to use in the microwave) Dishes unusable in the microwave – Choosing the right utensils for outdoor foods or food products that need reheating is important; The packaging of food delivered from a restaurant or a ready-made meal prepared from grocery […]

Safe containers for use in microwaves

Safe containers for use in microwaves

Safe containers for use in microwaves – takeout and delivery services have been a lifeline for many foodservice operations as we continue to deal with the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. There seems to be no end in sight for the increasing popularity even as the economy begins to reopen in many areas. We can […]

Forecasting the future of the plastic global market

Forecasting the future of the plastic global market

Forecasting the future of the plastic global market – Increasing the consumption of plastics in the construction, automotive, and the electrical industries will lead to the growth of the plastics market. Wiki chemistry Exclusive The global plastic market value in 2019 has been estimated about $ 568.9 billion And is expected this amount will increase by […]

On hard days of recession; A village without unemployment

On hard days of recession; A village without unemployment

On hard days of recession; A village without unemployment is a wonde.What is happening now in the Dehmola village.But it’s foundation must be search in the last 25 years.The first production site of Teb Plastic Company was established about 25 years ago in a village near Shahroud called Dehmola. Currently, this village is mentioned as […]